It contains 3 blog posts from January 2011, detailing the events and actions of Joan/Doris after the death of my father.
January 18, 2011
Nicole S. Urdang650 Ave
Buffalo, New York 14222
My name is Ruth Sippel Pace. I am the birth sister of Joan Wheeler, author of the book Forbidden Family, of which you
wrote a review of and placed on I cannot believe any person of your occupation could think a book like that is anything but garbage.
I don’t know how you are acquainted with Joan Wheeler, and I really don’t care. Whether you are involved with her
on a personal note or a professional note, you need to be aware of Joan’s actions towards her entire family. Her behavior is psychotic, anti-social and borders on criminal, indeed, she HAS crossed the line and HAS committed
criminal acts. They are not enough for law enforcement to act on, but as we have seen time after time, these people keep on with their sick behaviors until we have an incident comparable to what happened in Tucson, Arizona
on January 8, 2011. In 1998, Joan Wheeler was asking around for a “hitman” to “take her (me) out.” Because of this death threat, I took her to Family Court and was granted a one-year order of protection against her.
Now Joan has hooked up with someone, and I am concerned. Joan also has posted on her website hate statements against me and my sisters. These statements are also indicative of coming from a psychotic mind and are a cause of
Joan in the past has tried to ruin my life. Due to an innocent typing mistake, her hospital bill got mixed up with another
patient’s bill in 1994. Joan immediately accused me of hacking into my employer’s computer to tamper with her bill. She sent a complaint to my employer. They investigated it, and told Joan that not only did they trace
it to a typing mistake, but that it was impossible for me to do it, as the computers on the nursing station are not connected to the billing computers. Joan wasn’t going to have it. For the next six months, almost every
day, she placed calls to the hospital telling everyone that I was a thief, a computer hacker, and should be fired. I work the 11pm – 7am shift, and was never told about this. I found out about it six months later. When I
questioned a secretary in the nursing office, I was told that there had been a meeting by hospital administration that they were to hang up when Joan called and not to tell me. Yes, Buffalo General Hospital Administration
protected me. Joan then tried to break my husband and me up by sending me a letter telling me that he got the next door neighbor pregnant. And they had a daughter. The only two babies born to women in that house from 1987
(when we moved there) – 2005 (when it was torn down), were boys. And Joan did much much more to me. I did try to take her to court for harassment in 1995, but the judge dismissed it, saying sisters should get along.” Would
that that statement could be true. In Joan’s garbage book, she completely turns the story around, saying that it was she who took me to court and describes scenes that could only come from a sick person’s deluded fantasies.
Your review of her book Forbidden Family is in itself a work of garbage. You are a professional therapist and do not
see within the pages of that book a chronicle of a person losing their mind? Did you not even catch contradictions from one page to another, indeed even in one sentence?
Even on her website she is full of contradictory statements and behaviors. For example on this page:, she gives out our full names. And later down the page, she says she doesn’t want us to view her website. Her website is supposed to be adoption reform,
yet she has the hate statement against us. And does not see that if she puts our names there, we then have the right to see what is written about us. *note, this is from Joan's old blog, and like my old blog, is not accessible.
My sisters and I have started a blog called Refuting a Book of Lies: Forbidden Family
I invite you to read it. It is not pretty. But Joan’s book is not pretty. How can someone write such garbage? And you, a professional, think this book is good? What is your professional opinion of what she says on page
163 about the condition of my mother’s body at the moment of her death? Joan claims that my father related this disgusting scene to her. This is a post I had made on my blog in October 2010:
On page 163, Joan goes into a completely disgusting and unnecessary description of my mother’s death. So I guess my
father decided to tell her of my mom’s death. I heard the same story from my dad – EXCEPT this part: “She opened her eyes, looked up in front of her, took in a deep breath, closed her eyes, exhaled, and she was gone.
Immediately, there was a terrible stench of rotten flesh. The doctors told me later that her sides had split open; that even the bandages didn’t hold it in, and all of her that had been dying, fell out.”
What the hell?!! Let me say that although I am not a doctor, I have worked for 38 years in a hospital and what Joan
relates here may certainly be plausible, it is highly unlikely. First, my mother did NOT die of kidney cancer – it was UTERINE CANCER. The immediate cause of death, was kidney failure, but that’s because her organs had
started to fail, and her kidneys were the organs to go first. On the bottom of Page 162, to the top of page 163, she has my father saying that the cancer had spread all over her body. This is called metastasis Joan, the “medical
expert” that she is, does not mention this important word. Second, when they did the exploratory surgery in January 1956, and suspecting UTERINE CANCER, they would have made an incision in the lower abdomen. If they suspected
kidney cancer, incisions would have been made in the lumbar/sacral area of her back. If my mother was indeed 89 pounds at the time of her death, then she obviously was not given fluid pushes,which would bloat the body. Now
as to the “description” that my father supposedly told Joan, unfortunately, yes, this could have happened. But her sides splitting open to the point the bandages would not hold her insides in? This sentance is highly suspect
– she would not have incisions along her sides – and unless she was bloated with fluid pushes, her sides would not have split open. And for a doctor to be telling my father this AFTER the fact – no, a doctor would not
have said this. Doctors have compassion, they would not tell a man who just lost his wife these gory details. – I know- I work in a hospital – in several different areas – 4 years in the Medical Intensive Care Unit,
(I’ve seen some gory stuff there), 5 years in the Hospice Unit, (I’ve witnessed many deaths in front of my eyes, I know what the smells are), and right now on the renal KIDNEY floor – and work with KIDNEY transplants
and see just where their dam incisions are. And they are NOT on their sides! Joan – stop watching so much CSI and Forensic Files!
Also again and again in the book Joan alleges that I, Ruth Pace have a criminal record, having been arrested and placed
on probation. This is slander and libel. I have never been arrested in my life. Joan is alluding to the 1993 event wherein she filed a complaint against me for annoyance phone calls made in June 1993, and she received a six-month
order of protection against me, the dates being from August 9, 1993 to February 9, 1994. In the book she says she signed the complaint in February 1993, and the Order of Protection was for one year, and I was also sentenced
to probation. On my blog, I have provided the scanned copies of actual court documents that have Joan signing the complaint on July 19, 1993, and that I was NOT placed on probation.
As a professional, before you put your name to recommending a product or a book, you are responsible for doing research
to see if that product or book is the “genuine article.” Since you did not ask me for verification of statements that Joan put forth about me in the book, you obviously do not care about the truth. And as you are a “professional”
therapist, the truth should be your primary concern.
On January 11, 2011, my father died and Joan and her new companion were involved in the desecration of my father’s
guest book in the funeral home. I invite you to read the following 3 blog posts that have been posted for legal and personal reasons:
public by signing this on a separate page in the guest book January 16, 2011
Posted by Ruth
My father, wrote his own obituary and death notice for the newspaper.
Joan M. Wheeler took it upon herself to self-publish a new death notice on January 16 in the Buffalo News.
Joan is NOT a legal daughter, nor beloved daughter to Leonard Sippel.
She is scam artist and elder abuser. she is gold-digger. In 1989-1990, she scammed me and stole hundreds of dollars
from me. She slanders and libels me in her book and on the internet and in person.
She insulted my father two years ago and he physically had to remove her from his house. On or about November 15, 2010,
my father told me “I am done with her. I don’t want to see her.”
On January 3, 2011, he was admitted to Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital with pneumonia. On January 4, 2011, Joan entered
my father’s unlocked apartment, (open to admit Meals on Wheels) and with her stocky boyfriend, got information out of my elderly stepmother who is frail and on permenant oxygen. then Joan and her boyfreind went to the hospital
to harass my father. Supposedly Joan apologized to him and Joan’s boyfriend “thinks” (his words to me in an email) that my father forgave Joan. then the boyfreind says “if he didn’t forgive her, that’s his problem.”
My father, 86 years old, in a weakened state, should not have to “forgive” anyone. He was days from his death and
Joan brings her guilty conscience to a weak and dying man. Because of this despiscable abuse of a sick and elderly person, Joan Wheeler was barred from the funeral. She was granted a private viewing so she could have time
with her male parent. Then in a further evil act, her boyfriend desecrated my father’s guest book with a hate message, signed by “The Herrs.”
This act was witnessed by another guest at the funeral home. She was “frightened” by the man who wrote the hate
I, Ruth Sippel Pace, do file this note on public internet this day of January 16, 2010, 2:26am. I initially did not
want to acknowledge the hate crime of the man (yes I know his name).
Joan Wheeler, and your boyfriend, Mr. R. T. – you are to stay away from the Sippel Family. If you are seen near us,
the police will be called and you will both be charged with harassment.
And no, you did not create any atmosphere of hate between the Ansermin/Sippel family and the Herrs. All members of the
Ansermin family, Sippel family, and Herr family are decent loving folk and are not fooled into a war – which is what Joan and her boyfriend want. To desecrate a guest book at a funeral home is the lowest thing a person can
do. And then he emails me and preaches. You are found out Mr. R. T. and law enforcement will be notified
Legal Notice to Joan M. Wheeler – Part 2 January 17, 2011
January 17, 2011 – 7:30am by Ruth Sippel Pace
First and foremost – if any comments are placed on your website, they are not and will not be from any or all of the
Three Sippel Sisters. If any comments are placed and signed with the name of Ruth Sippel Pace, Kathy Inglis or Gertrude McQueen, they are not from us. If any email address is attributed to these named persons, then someone
has fraudulently opened an email address using or name(s) WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION. If you, Joan Wheeler have any complaint about any person leaving comments on your website, then by all means, exercise your right to call a
law enforcement entity and have the IP address and email address investigated. Just because you voluntarily adjusted your website’s security and privacy settings, doesn’t mean that these things cannot be traced. Don’t
whine and complain, make a formal charge. Put up or shut up. And Joan – when it has been found that it was YOU and YOUR BOYFRIEND impersonating me or my sisters – it will be YOU and Russell D. Thomas up on identity theft
charges – so you better think twice before you start something you can’t finish. Every keystroke can be tracked – every email and every IP and computer signature code can be traced.
Second, as long as MY name is mentioned on a website, I claim the right to visit that website. It is MY legal name,
not yours Joan, and I claim the right to see and read and know what is being said about me and my name. If you have any objection to me reading your website, then remove my name from your website. And this goes for my other
sisters. Is your website not for the purpose of adoption reform? As I have no interest or contribution to this topic, WHY IS MY NAME ON A WEBSITE DEVOTED FOR ADOPTION REFORM? This also applies to my sisters.
Third, if your readers want a “bloodbath” that is not my concern. That is between you and your readers.
Fourth, re: your warning to me and my sisters to “stay away from you.” Excuse me, I am not near you. Don’t want
to be near you. Nor do my sisters.
Fifth, if your mother is dying, that does not concern me. Nor does it concern my sisters.
Sixth, when you yell “my mother is dying, for god’s sake, leave me alone.”
Please state exactly what you think we did to bother you. Again, we have not called you, nor have come to your house,
or gone to any health care facility that your mother is at. Nor have we written any letters to you. And I wouldn’t invoke god’s name if I were you.
Seventh, do you mean leave YOU alone, like YOU harassed US the other day when OUR father lay in his casket and you permitted
your sleaze boyfriend to desecrate our father’s guest book and sign it with the names of four dead men and one man who was hundreds of miles away when his name was forged by your sleaze boyfriend? Won’t the police be interested
in hearing about that!
I really think you need to get on some medication.
Legal Notice to Joan M. Wheeler Part 3 by Gertrude McQueen, first born of Leonard Sippel , January 17, 2011
Face the facts, Joan Wheeler you don’t belong to us! The blame is all on you!
You had it, but you blew it, with your crazy crap! No friend of Joan Wheeler’s is a friend of me and mine!
By Gert McQueen, first born child of Leonard Sippel.
I wish the entire the world to know, in particular, the families of my parents, Leonard Sippel and Genevieve Herr and
all my brothers and sisters of the families of my father’s current widow, my stepmother, to know, that Joan Wheeler is no relative of me and mine. She is a disgrace! Her male friend, Russ Thomas of Wilson NY has stepped
into territories that are called harassments; hate speech, desecration of a family’s funeral item, and character assassination of several members, both living and dead, of an entire family. I hope that everyone who is related
to or knows of our families, make it known to Joan Wheeler just how evil, her and her male friend’s, behaviors are.
Joan Wheeler is not a legal daughter of my father, Leonard Sippel, who died January 11, 2011. Period, end of story,
fact of life, nothing else can and will change that fact.
After very tragic life circumstances that led to my father having to place a child into adoption that child was then
reunited with birth father and family. That was a grave mistake…she, Joan, should never have been contacted and united but, fact of life, she was, and we all have been dealing with the aftermath ever since. That being said,
my father did indeed recognize Joan Wheeler as the child he placed into adoption, but, fact remained that Joan was NOT his legal child, she was LEGALLY a child of the Edward and Dorothy Wheeler. Dad did indeed, with joy in
his heart, accept Joan in reunion and tried over many many years to be a Dad to her, but Joan continued to cause much trouble over the years and Dad had to remove Joan from his home and presence often.
Facts that Joan Wheeler refuses to accept are these:
She is not a legal member of the Sippel family. She is not welcomed nor wanted by any member of the Sippel family and
all our descendents. She wrote and published a hateful book of lies about every member of birth and adoptive families. She has been told to stay away and she doesn’t.
For historical continuity the following are facts that are not generally known but are indeed facts related to the change
in my father’s relationship with Joan Wheeler.
In April 2008 my father told me that every one of his children would be getting an inheritance, including Joan, to which
I said fine, great, not a problem. My father had all his affairs in order. I and other children were given copies of certain paper work dated 2006.
In 2009, before Joan’s hateful book of lies was published, she had a couple of episodes with my father, one over the
content of the draft manuscript and her lack of money to have it printed. Dad sent her back to the Wheelers to get the needed money saying he wasn’t interested in the book. Why would he give her money to publish a book of
lies? To other family members he said, of the book, that it was ‘garbage’, Joan is mentally ill and will never be satisfied with it.
Another episode in 2009 was over money for gas in Joan’s car when she took Dad to doctor appointments, which she volunteered
to do, and for money for car repairs to Joan’s car. The ways in which Joan spoke to Dad about this money was insulting to him. Dad told her that the car was her responsibility not his and that he didn’t need her help any
more if she was demanding money from him to fix her car. She writes about this, of course with her own spin, in the book of lies.
The final episode of 2009 was when Joan insulted Dad about his ancestry and religion. Joan writes about these things
in the book of garbage and on page 559 states ‘Dad yelled at me…kicked me out of his house again…so be it, that is the last time, I am done.’ Remember this… ‘I (she) am done’. This episode and her statements
were around Feb of 2009 as she states in the book.
In 2009 my father told me about all these episodes saying that he told Joan that ‘it is best that they don’t see
each, that Joan should stay away and call only’. My father did not mention Joan to me during the rest of 2009 and all of 2010 and I never mentioned her name to him.
Joan published the book of lies in November 2009. When Ruth first obtained a copy of it she went to Dad, he told Ruth,
put it in the garbage because it is garbage and Joan is mentally ill. It would be my guess, for I have no real knowledge of when my father did it, yet, when he found out that she published the book, Dad REMOVED Joan as his
child. I got a copy of Joan’s book in January 2010. I never mentioned it to Dad and he never mentioned it to me. I, Ruth and Kathy have been refuting and condemning the book since January 2010. We never spoke to Dad about
In a visit of August 2010 my Dad told me that he was ready to leave this world when his time was up. I spoke with my
Dad frequently during 2010 and Joan and the book were never mentioned. When asked by my sister Ruth, in November of 2010, if Joan would be at a family event, Dad said ‘no, I’m done with her’. (Ruth’s note, he also
told me “I don’t want to see her.”)
Dad received, sometime before Christmas of 2010, a blank ‘diary’, with, if I recall correctly, a publication date
of 2009. I saw this book the day we buried him, Jan 15th. This diary is a ‘memory’ diary for elders to record various things such as parents’ names and family histories and childhood memories and favorite things and
children’s names and so many important things so people will remember them later on. Everything written in this diary was in Dad’s handwriting. Under the ‘list of children’ there is NO WRITTEN MENTION of Joan Wheeler!
In a blank diary book published in 2009 that he received and wrote in, in 2010, he DOES NOT LIST Joan Wheeler as his child!
When my father died, January 11, 2011, the pre-paid funeral papers, which I had a copy of, dated 2006, does have Joan
listed as secondary family contact and in the obit that my father wrote himself. But, the funeral home director had received an UP DATED changed paper that REMOVED Joan from the contact and the obit! Dad REMOVED Joan and it
was done sometime in 2009!
Furthermore, these are also the facts of recent events, done by Joan Wheeler and her male friend Russ Thomas of Wilson
NY to our family.
On Jan 4, 2011, Joan Wheeler, presumably because her adoptive mother had ‘taken a turn for the worst’ went unannounced
to the home of my father and stepmother, who are elderly. I know of Joan’s adopted mother’s conditions because Joan discussed them in a public forum. Joan’s reasons for going to my father’s home were to ‘make peace’
with Dad. I have written about this in a blog entry around Jan 6th. What I didn’t know at that time was that Joan brought with her, her new boy friend, a stranger, into the home of my elderly parents without asking for permission!
She took this stranger with her when she then went to the hospital to see my father, against his wishes that she not come around him. The fact that Joan had a large male stranger with her while she calls on two fragile elders
is an intimidating factor. As stated before, the condition of Joan’s adoptive mother has nothing to do with my father and wanting to ‘make peace’ with Dad is Joan’s problem, not my father’s and stepmother’s! As
stated in my blog entry around Jan 6th, it was confirmed to me that no one in the family wanted Joan around, that was my reason for my blog entry of Jan 6th to tell Joan to stay away.
During phone calls that Joan made to my stepmother Joan had given her phone number where she could be reached, it was
thrown in the garbage. Joan had spoken to a stepsister on the phone saying that ‘she had a good visit with Dad and Mom and could I speak to her’. When asked if she wanted to speak with Joan my stepmother said no! No one
wanted to hear from or speak with Joan. I myself heard a phone message that Joan left on my father’s home phone around Jan 6th and she said that she ‘will keep calling till she finds out what is going on with my father’.
(ruth’s note: admission of intent to harass. She had been told “don’t contact us” yet she says she WILL keep calling.)
My stepmother had not been living at home since Joan ‘stopped by’ on Jan 4th; for the family made sure that Joan
could not reach her.
On Jan 11, 2011 my father died. Earlier that day I placed a call to his hospital room and was told that he was moved
and was given the main number of the hospital. Before I could replace a call to him, I received the call that he had died. I had several phone calls during the 11th and 12th with family members related to events that had to
taken care of. Joan had called the hospital room twice after my father died. (ruth’s note: my stepsister answered the phone the first time, I answered it the second time. Joan was told 1. “sorry, you just missed him. 2.
“he is not available.” at both times, there were 8 family members in the room, and in unison, all 8 family members agreed to this.)
The entire family agreed that Joan was not to be allowed in the presence of our father and stepmother, at the hospital,
the funeral calling hours and the church service. When Joan finally managed to speak with a stepsister and ask ‘what is going on with my father’ she was told that he died, Joan said ‘it would have been nice if someone
told me’. No, Joan had no right to be told, for Joan was NOT his legal daughter.
When the arrangements were made with the funeral home, it was discovered that Dad made the changes that removed Joan
from the family and the obit announcement. A decision then was made to call Joan but my father’s wife had thrown Joan’s phone number, that she was given, by Joan, in the garbage and someone had to ‘fish it out of the
garbage’ to make a call. A call was placed to Joan by a brother-in-law, as spokesman of the family, telling Joan that she had a 4:30 pm calling time, at the funeral home, on Jan 14th . She was not to come at any other time,
or at the church service on Jan 15th. If she did come outside of the 4:30 time period, when no family would be there, Joan would be physical escorted out!
At the funeral calling hours, at 4pm, as we all were leaving the room and building, I happened to see a young woman
approach through the doorway. As she came towards me I saw, a familiar face, a family face and said to her, ‘I see a face from the past but I’m sorry I don’t know your name’. She said her name was ‘Cathy’ and I
gave a puzzled looked at her. The woman asked me my name. I said, ‘I’m Gert’ and then the woman did an impression of Joan, for the woman was Joan’s daughter and said ‘I’ve always wondered about this moment of meeting
you’. I said, ‘I know now who you are’ and instinctively we hugged and I gave her a kiss on the cheek as she said to me ‘I came for grandpa’ and I said ‘and you should and you go there now’ and I pointed to Dad
and I left the room. The last time I saw Cathy was in 1992. It needs to be mentioned that Dad did indeed recognized his grandchildren Dennis and Catherine.
When we returned to the calling hours at 7pm I had looked at the register book and noticed the signatures of Cathy Wheeler-Bell,
Joan’s daughter, Joan Wheeler (Doris Sippel), as she wrote it, and the signature of Russell Thomas of Wilson NY, current boy friend of Joan’s. I then looked back at other pages and saw on the bottom of the previous page,
where the above signatures were, a hate statement against my father with the names of all the brothers of my mother and their last name. This is an act of hateful desecration of my father and my mother and the rest of our
families. I called Ruth over to see it. We were shocked and instantly knew that Joan was behind it. Other family members were made aware of the hate statement. The next day, Jan 15, we had the church service and the burial.
By the late afternoon after we buried our Dad, I found out that Russell Thomas had left another hate message on our
blog. His comments automatically go to the spam folder but Ruth and Kathy were able to read it. I believe that Ruth has posed the entire message, but for here, in it Russ addresses the Three Sippel Sisters, as Joan calls us,
and informs us that he was with Joan on Jan 4th etc and he informs us that Dad accepted Joan’s apology. First off, what makes a stranger to the family think he has any right to tell us he ‘witnessed’ our father’s acceptance
of Joan’s apology? This stranger’s words mean nothing to us; he is a harasser. And So!! What’s that proof of, nothing! That message is an attempt to assert that, Joan is a legal accepted daughter, when in fact, she is
not. Russ Thomas is doing what he is good at…harassing with hate filled messages. Russ Thomas of Wilson NY has been leaving hate messages for months on our blog for the benefit of Joan and has identified himself by signing
his name and giving his place of residence in the register book at my father’s wake!
It was late on the night of Jan 15th, after my father’s burial, that I, Kathy and Ruth had gotten direct information,
from a witness who was at the calling hours when Joan, her daughter and Russ Thomas were there. The witness saw and heard Joan complaint loudly to a funeral home attendant that there was a mistake in the obit that she Joan
Wheeler was the daughter and should have been in the obit. The witness also stated that she was behind the man that came in with Joan Wheeler, at the register book stand and saw him, after he signed his name, turn the page
over to the previous page and write the statement without pause as if from memory and return the page back to where he and Joan had signed. When the witness went up to the book to write her name, she turned the page back and
saw what he had written.
Now as if this weren’t enough, we find that on Jan 16th, Joan Wheeler had published in the Buffalo News a new obit
declaring her self to be the loved daughter of my father! What kind of fool is that? She doesn’t see that by doing that she showed the world just what she is ABOUT; a crazy person who doesn’t know or get it that her father
disowned her and that she wants to assert her parentage so she can be in line for the inheritance! And of course if she is not in this man’s obit, how does that jive with what she states in her ‘true’ book?
As I have said above: on page 559 in Joan’s book of garbage she states that in 2009 ‘Dad yelled at me…kicked me
out of his house again…so be it, that is the last time, I am done.’ So, if she was done in 2009 why is she writing, in 2011, a obit declaring herself to be a daughter to a man who had already written his own obit, who
removed her from it, who was dead and buried? Why? Because Joan thought she was in, in the family, in the heritance! She thought that if she could ‘make peace’ with Dad, get him to accept her apology etc, that everything
would be alright and those nasty Three Sippel Sisters would go away. No, it is not about us sisters, it’s about, the entire family and the fact that when Joan Wheeler published a book of lies and hate, her birth father disowned
her, just as the rest of the family had already done. Dad just didn’t tell anyone.
Blame yourself Joan, not only have the three Sippel Sisters been refuting your book of lies, your birth father, removed
you from all inheritances that you would have received, if you did not publish a book of lies! Joan herself has named myself, and my two sisters, Ruth and Kathy, the Three Sippel Sisters labeling us harassers and stalkers.
Doing this not only sullied our and our family names but also proves that Joan herself DOES NOT consider herself a Sippel. If that is the case then why should she NOW be insistent on being known as the daughter of my deceased
father? Because she can’t accept the fact that she has LOST everything! Too bad, Joan, you have been OUT a long time ago and nothing will get you back in. Now GET LOST!
Now, Ms. Urdang, I will give some background information. This story was told to us many times through the years, and
was also confirmed in March 2010 by my mother’s last surviving sibling, Richard L. Herr, currently living in Florida.
When my mother was diagnosed with the cancer in January 1956, her brothers had suggested to my father that she be seen
by a cancer specialist at Roswell Park. My father hesitated, saying that he wasn’t sure if he could pay for it. The brothers offered to pay. My mother herself, refused the consultation from a specialist. She then died on
March 28, 1956. Her brothers, in their grief, blamed my father for her death. However they felt about my father, they never, nor did their children, disrespect me or my siblings. My cousins, descendants of these five men,
through the years, have always proved themselves to always have been respectful to my father, always referring to him as Uncle Leonard, and greeting him warmly when seeing him at other funerals, and at family reunions.
The hate message that was boldly printed in my father’s guest book was this:
“May he rot in hell for all eternity. From the Herrs: Charles, Matthew, Michael, Henry, Richard.”
These men are all dead, except for Richard, who is in Florida, in fact, he was on the phone with my sister Kathy, being
physically in Florida when the forgery of his name was taking place.
If you, Ms. Urdang, are Joan Wheeler’s professional therapist, first and foremost, you overstepped your professional
bounds by writing a personal recommendation of a book written by one of your clients. If you are her professional therapist, you are doing a poor job in counseling her. If you are involved with Joan in a merely personal level,
as a friend, then you are doing a poor job as a friend. Because a friend would not let one carry on the way Joan does. A friend, or a professional therapist would try to make Joan understand the simple rule of “cause and
effect.” When Joan tells a lie about a person, there can and will be repercussions.
If there are any further criminal acts committed by Joan, I will hold you partially responsible.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth B. Pace