Thursday, April 4, 2019

brain dead anti-adopters who think Joan Wheeler, now known as Doris Sippel is squeeky clean are deluded idiots.

Recently Joan/Doris commented on an adoption group’s comment section. One anti-adoption person began singing Joan/Doris’ praises, to which I said to myself “oh brother!” and posted a comment that J/D is not such a squeeky clean person. I said that while I don’t care what she says about adoption, or what she does regarding her campaign in adoption and birth certificate reform,  I do take issue when she lies about my father, my family, and me.

My sister Gert was also commenting in the discussion, when all of a sudden, three anti-adoptees began arguing with us. In reviewing J/D’s comments on the thread and on her facebook page, it was clear she was telling them to go after Gert and me, egging them on, being their ‘puppet master.’ This is a tactic she has done before many times on the internet, when she can’t stand to see me and Gert speak our opinion. Then on a anti-adoption facebook page, one of those anti-adopters who was going after Gert and myself in the discussion, wrote about it, to which J/D commented, and a 4th anti-adopter chimed in and claimed that Gert and I had been tormenting J/D ‘for years.’

To which I left a laughing fb emoticon. Right -- I’ve been ‘tormenting’ Joan? uh, no, it’s the other way around, J/D has been harassing me -- even to the point of calling my job with lies to get me fired (multiple times in 1994-95, and then starting up again in late 2012). I wrote about it in my former blog, to which J/D answered me via a comment on the internet site Huffington Post -- which I made a screenshot of, and is included in this blog post (see below).

In her comment, Joan/Doris publicly admitted to calling my employer and falsely accusing me (with absolutely no proof) of making phone calls and committing computer fraud.
 "you have used your employer's computers to read my blog and you have called from your employer for me to make appointments."
I will address the 2nd accusation first. When I took her to court for this harassment -- she testified on the stand that she received a phone call from my job's xray department around 10am -- and said that it was ME on the phone telling her to make an appointment.

WRONG - if the call was made at 10 am -- and from the xray department -- it COULD NOT HAVE BEEN ME. I worked 7pm to 7am -- and no, employees just don't waltz into a department, sit down at a desk and call someone. Hospital security cameras would have shown me doing this. There is no record of me doing this -- because I never did it.

Now for the first accusation -- K.H. has something called GUEST WIFI -- Visitors, patients, employees using their own cell phones and other devices and are legally sanctioned to use the guest WiFi. Patients bring in their laptops, and hook up to the guest WiFi.  I would always bring in my little Acer Netbook to work, to do writing and other things on my lunch break and use the guest WiFi. I didn't use my employee's computers. 

So if K.H.'s IP address showed up at Joan/Doris' blog -- THAT DOESN'T MEAN A DAMN THING. 

I have taken my netbook with me to various businesses, logged onto their guest WiFi and worked on my netbook, and surfed the net with it. I have done this as I waited while a new windshield was installed in my old van; when I was waiting while my van was inspected; while I was at the downtown public library; while I was waiting to have my van's oil changed; when I've stopped to have a cup of coffee; and while I was in the mall's food court waiting while John had his hair cut.

 Okay Joan/Doris -- here's a list of places that I've used guest Wifi at:

Barnes and Noble, Erie County Library (different branches), Delta Sonic, Transittown Dodge, Tim Horton's (different locations), Walden Galleria Mall, WalMart, Wegmans, Bj's, Home Depot, Excelsior Orthopedics, Buffalo Medical Group - and if those places showed up on your blog -- it doesn't mean I committed computer fraud --learn how the world of WiFi works.

Now go and call those businesses and tell them I went into their offices and used their computers to spy on you, and make a further asshole of yourself. Like you did with my former employer. (who did investigate me - because they had to - but found me innocent). You dumb paranoid braindead lying idiot. Grow some brains. And you dumb anti-adopters -- grow some brains, learn how to use 'critical thinking.'

Here is the screenshot of Joan/Doris’ comment on the Huffington Post from January 2013.