Thursday, April 26, 2018

Rash Decisions by Doris Michol Sippel and her habit of blaming others for her stupidity

I saw a cute meme on facebook today and I thought about Joan Wheeler/Doris Sippel. I shared the meme to my facebook and then I just started writing. While I was writing it, I hadn't intended to make it a blog post. By the time I was done, I realized that it should be. In fact, it WAS a post on my original blog - complete with screenshots of her tweet storm. But it's an interesting post - describing Joan/Doris penchant for making rash decisions, getting her ass into trouble, refusing to take responsibility for her own stupid decisions, and of course, blaming ME for things. So, here's what I wrote on facebook today, and the meme that inspired this is at the bottom of this post.

Doris Michol Sippel has changed her relationship status about 10 times since she's been on facebook.
In 2013, she meets this guy from New Mexico. Within a month, she's agreed to marry him and move to New Mexico. She drives cross country with him and he's stopped and jailed for drunk driving. She has no $$$ of her own, and is stuck in NM for a month, living with his family, who she can't get along with. (surprise, surprise). She breaks up with the guy, gets back to Buffalo, goes on a tweet storm, accuses him of 'spying on her' via The Weather Channel. (I'm not kidding - I'm not making this up!) Then she accuses ME (on twitter) for breaking up her relationship with the guy. I saw him one time, when she dragged him to my aunt's funeral. I didn't even know the guy's name.
The night she was on twitter about the guy using The Weather Channel to spy on her -- she started by accusing him of stalking her! A follower of her twitter, a lady in Toronto was concerned and tweeted something like;"OMG, are you all right? Do you need me to call the police?"
Joan/Doris answers: "I'm okay," well, then what the fuck was she tweeting all about????
Nothing like scaring the hell out of someone! Boy, talk about 'unstable!' - yes, I'm talking about that wacky Joan Wheeler/Doris Michol Sippel - unstable whackjob extraordinaire!

oh, my bad - I did see him twice - when she dragged him to court when she had to appear to answer my charges of harassment when she called my job with lies to get me fired.
Why was he there? He didn't know me, or my family.
It was so funny at the funeral home at my aunt's wake - she went to the bathroom and had him stand outside as a guard.
She's always saying that she's afraid of me - I've never touched her! But -- if she's afraid of me -- why does she keep doing things that piss me off?

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

A Tale of Woe - of a horrible adoption - Joan Wheeler/Doris Sippel slams yet again, the woman and the priest who she thinks is responsible for that horrible adoption

In my last blog post, "Another nonsense statement (lie) from Joan Wheeler/Doris Sippel about my mother" - I wrote about Joan/Doris' response on facebook to the news of the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo naming 40 former Catholic priests who had been accused of child abuse. Joan/Doris told how she had known one of those priests when she was 12 years. And she then related that my father had shown her my mother's high school diploma and she recognized that same priest's name on the diploma. -- HA! In my blog post, I related that my mom had not even graduated from high school (confirmed by her brother, who is still living) and besides, she attended a public school, not a Catholic school, before dropping out of school. But see, Joan/Doris never bothers to do proper research and get the facts - but even when she does have the facts, she likes to twist the story around to suit her fantasies. In other words, she makes up things and LIES.

This blog post is about her second comment - made after a fb contact of hers, Mary P. asked if the priest (who supposedly signed my mom's non-existent diploma) "Was this the same priest who leaned on your birth father to relinquish you after your mother died?" (a fictitous story that Joan/Doris loves to tell about how her adoption was first thought of - that at my mom's wake, a woman and a priest both came up to my father and suggested that Doris be adopted). I have the screen shot of this and Joan/Doris' answer. It is included in this blog post below. I won't type the whole thing out, but want to address a couple of things.

But first, the whole purpose of Joan/Doris' of telling this oh-so-sad, and totally FICTITOUS story is to ellicit SYMPATHY for herself. Witness what Mary says to her: Mary: "I'm so sorry, Doris. How unfortunate that this woman took advantage of your natural father while he was grieving. At that moment, he must have been so vulnerable. There's just some people who want what they want when they want it--no matter other people's feelings. And then the priest didn't intervene. Hugs to you, Mary"

Now, lets straighten this mess out.
My mom was in the hospital since Christmastime 1955. Very sick, pregnant. On January 7, she went into premature labor and delivered the baby, who being 2 months premature, was placed into an incubator. An exploratory surgery on mom was scheduled a couple weeks later and as soon as they opened her up, they saw she was full of cancer. Nothing could be done.

When the baby, named Doris was old enough to be discharged, she went 'home' with my mother's brother Richard and his wife Ann. Ann herself just had a baby in January 1956 and had little ones at home.

My mom's sister Catherine, who just had a baby girl on March 2, 1956, had a childhood friend named Helen. Catherine and Helen were still very close. Helen knew of my mom's illness and imminent death and the new baby. Helen's brother Edward's wife Dorothy was infertile and they had tried to adopt once before. Helen asked Catherine if my father would consider giving the baby up for adoption. Catherine called my father and suggested it. My father talked to our parish priest for guidance. My father did make the decision to relinquish the baby for adoption.

Now Joan/Doris loves to tell the tale that a woman approached my father at my mom's wake in the funeral home and asked about the baby be adopted. "I know someone who will take your baby." She has told that tale all over the place. And usually that's all she says. But this time she goes on to continue: "She (the woman) procured the baby - me - for her older brother and his wife to adopt."

Joan/Doris has also always told the tale as that AFTER (remember that word - AFTER) - the woman puts the idea of adoption into my father's head, he goes to his parish priest for advice and Joan/Doris has the priest telling him "the baby needs two parents." But now, in this NEW re-telling of her tale, Joan/Doris has the priest AND the woman badgering my father at the wake. AND she has the priest talking to my father BEFORE the woman talks to my father.

This is how the new tale goes: She tells of the priest talking to my father (answering Mary if the priest who was accused of child abuse is the same priest who talked to my father at my mom's wake) Joan/Doris says "NO! Good question though. " She goes on to say how she believes the priest who talked to my father had 'good intentions' and she continues her tale thusly: "AND, a woman came up to my father at my mother's funeral minutes after the priest. She said "I know someone who will take your baby."
Okay - so who approached my father first - the woman or the priest? Depends on when Joan/Doris tells the tale. Apparently the sequence of events changes. Well, you know what that means? Yes, Joan/Doris is a LIAR.

Remember how I said Joan/Doris tells this tale of woe to garner sympathy? Well, let's go over the timeline of Joan/Doris' oh-so-pitiful first year of life.

She is prematurely born on January 7, 1956 to a terminally ill woman, who dies on March 28, 1956. When Doris is discharged from the hospital, (I'm not sure of the exact date) she is taken by my mom's brother and his wife Ann. On March 4, 1956, Doris is baptized in Sacred Heart Church. Her godparents are Richard and Ann. She returns home with them. My mom dies on March 28, 1956. When exactly my Aunt Catherine spoke to her friend Helen is unknown. When exactly Helen spoke to her brother Edward is unknown. When exactly my Aunt Catherine spoke to my father is unknown. What is known is that sometime AFTER my mom's funeral, (according to my uncle Richard, who had offered to adopt Doris) my father called him up and told him to get the baby ready in a nice dress, as he (my father) was coming to get her (presumbly he had a ride, as my dad never learned to drive - his choice). He told Richard that he was taking Doris to meet other members of the family. But - he apparently he actually took her to the Wheeler's (or Surrogate Court, or some other meeting place). Now, I remember Joan/Doris telling me that she lived with the Wheelers for six months on a "trial basis." According to the actual adoption papers, my father signed his consent to the adoption on October 24, 1956. The Wheeler's verified their decision by signature on December 5, 1956, and the adoption was finalized on January 15, 1957. So if my father signed his final consent in October, six months before October was April - which jives with my Uncle Richard’s account.

But all this BULLSHIT about the priest and the woman is MEANINGLESS anyway. The exact time my father made the decision to relinquish the baby to adoption is unknown. Does it matter if someone approached him at the funeral? Well, it does if only for respect - but for the final outcome? My father had from April 1956 to the time he made the final signature on papers on October 24, 1956 to re-consider his decision. He did not. The adoption was not finalized until January 15, 1957, giving my father an additional two and a half months to change his mind - he did not.

Joan/Doris simply can NOT get over the fact that she was adopted. Her whole time on this planet is fighting that. She HATES the fact she is adopted and will try out any excuse as to why she should not have been adopted, and will try out any ridiculous scenerio on how her adoption could have been avoided. What's the purpose? No matter how much time she spends on it, no matter how much she fights it - the simple thing of her life is - she was adopted. NOTHING she says or does will ever change that. She's been trying for more than 40 years - she has wasted her life on trying to change something that cannot be changed. No kind of idea she can put forth will change the past. For example, in her facebook answer to Mary about the family priest who counseled my father, she starts talking 'what ifs' and says she thinks the priest meant well, but offered no real tangible help, like child care while my father was at work. She says "I don't think there was any malice intended by the priest ... only misguided advice." She goes on to say that she gets angry that the priest did not say (she actually made a typo and left out the word 'not' - but we get her point) "How can I help you keep your family together? You know, food baskets, baby clothes, diapers, church volunteers? I just can't understand why that was not arranged."

Uh DUH - First - there was NO lack of baby supplies and clothes - until Doris was born, I was the youngest of three sisters. And a brother two years older than me. There were plenty of hand-me-down clothes. PLUS the fact that in early 1956 - there were other babies born in the family - Richard and Ann had my cousin Jimmy, my Uncle Henry and Aunt Bertha had Dennis, my Aunt Catherine had Gail. Siblings and siblings-in-law of my mom - so I'm sure there would have been plenty of diapers and other baby supplies. Food? oh for crying out loud! Joan/Doris makes it sound as my family was absolutely poverty stricken (she has said this in her libelous bullshit book) but that was not the case. My father worked as a draftsman in the street paving department for the city of Buffalo in Buffalo's city hall. Joan/Doris keeps forgetting that in the 1950's there were no daycare centers like we have now. There simply was no one to take care of her during the day while my father was at work. AND four other young children. -- Church volunteers. That's asking an awful lot from other church members - you're talking possibly 18 years of daytime babysitting for a family of 5 young kids.

But as I said above, Joan/Doris can't reconcile the fact that she was adopted. All these what ifs, all these maybes, all these judgments on my father, my stepmother (the woman he married a few months after my mom died, who needed a father for her two sons, but at the age of 36 did not want to take care of an infant), judging and condemning my aunt, her friend, a priest, other relatives, everyone in our neighborhood and church who didn't step up to the plate to save HER from being horribly adopted -- what's the fucking point?

Joan/Doris' tale of woe of her horrible adoption and the planting of the idea of adoption in my dad's head at the funeral of my mom - is nothing but Joan/Doris to get people to feel sorry for her. Even if and that's a big IF someone did approach him at a vulnerable time - he had ample time to change his mind. HE DID NOT. End of story. She was adopted, that's it.

AND of course, Joan/Doris tells her tale of woe with the lie about my mom's 'fictitious' high school diploma the very week of the anniversary of my mom's death. Why? Because she writes crap like this EVERY year around this time - because she knows I and my other sister Gert are reading her shit - she does it to hurt us. But fool that she is, she doesn't realize this does NOT hurt us - just because we write a rebuttal and point out Joan/Doris' lies and other bullshit, does not mean we are hurt - we are simply telling the truth about our mom, who is being continuously DISHONORED by this continuous bullshit that Joan/Doris spews out.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Another nonsense statement (lie) from Joan Wheeler/Doris Sippel about my mother

On March 20, 2018, the Buffalo News published a report from the Buffalo Catholic Diocese that named Catholic priests that have been accused of child abuse (sexual and otherwise). The report contained a list of 40 priests with accusations going back to the 1960’s. This was also reported on the local Buffalo television news stations.

I knew one of the priests named, in fact I, and one of my cousins, had done volunteer work under his guidance with mentally and physically handicapped children at West Seneca Developmental Center. In 1988 when he was first accused, I was in disbelief and defended him, but a week later he came forward and admitted to the accusations. I was so disillusioned. I wrote about it on my facebook page.

Doris Michol Sippel, formerly known as Joan Mary Wheeler decided to tell of her experiences with one of those priests on her facebook page. In her facebook post, Joan/Doris again engages in falsehoods about MY family. This blog post is to refute Joan/Doris' lies, misrepresentations, and total twisting of the facts surrounding the circumstances of MY mother’s wake, and MY father’s decision to relinguish Joan/Doris to adoption.

I have a screenshot of what she wrote (courtesy of a friend of mine, as I am blocked from Joan/Doris’ page and can’t see first hand of what she writes). I also have a screenshot of a subsequent comment of hers. These two screenshots are at the end of this post. I will not type out word for word what she said - that is why I have the screenshots here - but I will type out the sentences she said that I will refute.

In this post, I will address what she says in her initial post. In that post, she names the priest on the list that she knew when she was 12 years old. She goes out of her way to say that she was not a victim, that she witnessed the priest bullying other children. She then goes on to say “oh, and the story gets even better!” (what, are we all sitting around a campfire trying to tell tall tales?) She says "When I first met my father in 1974 (Senior year of high school), he showed me my natural mother's high school diploma. Yup. Signed by Joseph Schieder, circa 1942." She then goes on to say he had signed her own 8th grade graduation diploma, along with the Bishop.
Joan/Doris went to a Catholic grammar school, a Catholic high school, and a Catholic college. So all her diplomas would be signed by a Catholic priest/monsignior/bishop. However, my mother NEVER went to ANY Catholic school in her life!

Growing up in the Bailey/Walden section of Buffalo, her parish church was Holy Name of Jesus on Bailey Avenue. She attended religious instruction (the Catholic way of saying “Bible or Sunday School”) at Holy Name of Jesus school that was next door to the church. She went to grammar school at Buffalo Public School Number 9 that used to be on Bailey Ave. a little ways from Holy Name. My mother’s younger brother, Richard tells me they used to leave school, walk down Moeller Ave to the railroad tracks and follow them down to their street past Walden Ave.

My mother did NOT attend a Catholic high school either -- she went to EAST SIDE HIGH SCHOOL that was (still is) located at 820 Northampton St. behind what was then known as Humboldt Park, now known as Martin Luther King Park.
information of East High School, can be found at this link:,_New_York)
I have included below a screenshot of the first bit of that wiki article.


Also, NO one EVER signed my mother’s high school diploma -- because -- MY MOTHER NEVER GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL! How do I know this? Because her brother, my uncle Richard told me this just last week! And he should know -- HE WAS A FRESHMAN AT EAST WHEN MY MOM WAS A SENIOR - year - 1945. He said she did NOT graduate. Many girls of that era didn’t graduate because in that era, most girls didn’t aspire to careers, they wanted to be moms and housewives. I have her scrapbook and it is filled with newspaper and magazine articles and pictures of just what a young mom/housewife would have: pictures of cute little kids, kittens, how to please your hubby.

Really, up to the 1960’s if a girl in Buffalo wanted to have a career, the only career they were encouraged to go for was nursing - Buffalo Public High School Fosdick-Masten (now City Honors School) was for pre-nursing. Many of the girls did hands-on volunteer work as ‘Candy Stripers’ at the nearby Buffalo General Hospital, and when they graduated high school, went on to nursing school at Buffalo General’s on-campus nursing school. By the time I started working at BGH in 1972, the Candy Striper program had ended, the school of nursing saw a decline in attendance, closing forever about 20 years later. Bacause by then, girls were aspiring to a more variety of careers.

I also know that my mom attended Public School 9 -- because I have her class ring. I’ve had it since I was around 12 or 13 when my father gave it to me. And it says right on it -- Public School 9. I also have her prayer book that she received from Holy Name of Jesus Church when she received her First Holy Communion.

I am a member of Classmates dot com and they have on their website - many old yearbooks. I looked at the 1945 yearbook, the year that my uncle Richard was a freshman, and my mom was a senior. There is no senior picture of my mom. There is a picture of my uncle in the school’s Christmas play - Dicken’s “Christmas Story” in which Richard played Tiny Tim Cratchit. I have included the pictures of him as Tiny Tim, and a picture of the cast list that clearly says “Richard Herr.” Uncle Rich says he joined the Drama Club because my mom was in it.

So, Joan/Doris’ bullshit story about a Catholic priest signing my mother’s high school diploma is just that: BULLSHIT. She opens her mouth and the shit spews out. She doesn't care about facts, the truth, or anything but what her warped mind thinks happened. And because she's an adoptee, other so-called 'adult' adoptees think her word is golden - they are just as warped as she is. They think that an event from the 1940's and the 1950's can't be researched and proven. 

screenshot of Joan/Doris’ initial facebook post:

pictures from East High School yearbook 1945 - front page and of the Christmas show with my uncle Richard Herr:

screenshot of wiki article on East High School: