Thursday, April 26, 2018

Rash Decisions by Doris Michol Sippel and her habit of blaming others for her stupidity

I saw a cute meme on facebook today and I thought about Joan Wheeler/Doris Sippel. I shared the meme to my facebook and then I just started writing. While I was writing it, I hadn't intended to make it a blog post. By the time I was done, I realized that it should be. In fact, it WAS a post on my original blog - complete with screenshots of her tweet storm. But it's an interesting post - describing Joan/Doris penchant for making rash decisions, getting her ass into trouble, refusing to take responsibility for her own stupid decisions, and of course, blaming ME for things. So, here's what I wrote on facebook today, and the meme that inspired this is at the bottom of this post.

Doris Michol Sippel has changed her relationship status about 10 times since she's been on facebook.
In 2013, she meets this guy from New Mexico. Within a month, she's agreed to marry him and move to New Mexico. She drives cross country with him and he's stopped and jailed for drunk driving. She has no $$$ of her own, and is stuck in NM for a month, living with his family, who she can't get along with. (surprise, surprise). She breaks up with the guy, gets back to Buffalo, goes on a tweet storm, accuses him of 'spying on her' via The Weather Channel. (I'm not kidding - I'm not making this up!) Then she accuses ME (on twitter) for breaking up her relationship with the guy. I saw him one time, when she dragged him to my aunt's funeral. I didn't even know the guy's name.
The night she was on twitter about the guy using The Weather Channel to spy on her -- she started by accusing him of stalking her! A follower of her twitter, a lady in Toronto was concerned and tweeted something like;"OMG, are you all right? Do you need me to call the police?"
Joan/Doris answers: "I'm okay," well, then what the fuck was she tweeting all about????
Nothing like scaring the hell out of someone! Boy, talk about 'unstable!' - yes, I'm talking about that wacky Joan Wheeler/Doris Michol Sippel - unstable whackjob extraordinaire!

oh, my bad - I did see him twice - when she dragged him to court when she had to appear to answer my charges of harassment when she called my job with lies to get me fired.
Why was he there? He didn't know me, or my family.
It was so funny at the funeral home at my aunt's wake - she went to the bathroom and had him stand outside as a guard.
She's always saying that she's afraid of me - I've never touched her! But -- if she's afraid of me -- why does she keep doing things that piss me off?

1 comment:

gert mcqueen said...

LOVE IT...I well remember her rantings! this kind of shit happens when you decide after meeting someone in a bar and 2 weeks later you are engaged and traveling to parts unknown! Stupid doesn't even come close.

and after this/that guy...she met a nice guy on a walking trail, within 2 weeks they were in a 'relationship'...that lasted maybe 2 more weeks when EVERY PICTURE EVERY WORD was deleted from both their FB pages! She really showed her true self to that one! He was a Buddhist, and of course we ALL know that Joan/Doris is not only anti-adoption but anti-religion. So I can picture how she 'went off' on some BS or other and he quit her on the spot!