Sunday, August 26, 2018

Keeping Garbage People Away from My Funeral - Joan Wheeler (Doris Sippel) and my exBFF are BANNED from mine

I was trying to share and comment on a post, and while I was typing, facebook yanked it away from me. (damn you facebook). It was about the fact that before he passed, John McCain left instructions that Trump be banned from his funeral. The caption on the accompanying meme said "what kind of garbage do you have to be to be banned from a funeral?

 Well, I totally understand it. I have already left instructions that the exBFF and The Nameless One are to be tossed out if they show up to anything regarding me when I pass. (wake, funeral, etc). I don't care if they cause a ruckus. I know they will. Those two are such lowlifes that they will open their ugly big mouths. They can't keep their hateful feelings to themselves.  

 The Nameless One created a ruckus at the funeral home during a private viewing (granted by the family) of my dad. Started arguing with the employees of the funeral home.  

The exBFF started yelling in the entrance of the CHURCH at my mother-in-law's sister at my mother-in-law's service. She also called me on the phone the day after my father's funeral and trashed him - my father, who liked and respected her.  

The exBFF and The Nameless One - the adopted out one who has caused much trouble for her birth family and her adopted family are both garbage and should be tossed out as such.

1 comment:

LadyMoondancer's Realm said...

The exBFF tweeted to some 'celebrity' counselor, wanting to be 'counseled' on their show. For her many 'unresolved issues.'
There are many good qualified therapists here in Buffalo.
She has fallen into the same trap that The Nameless One,(Doris Sippel, and many others have,in thinking that a counselor or therapist has the magic words that will make everything go away.
A therapist/counselor gives you the tools for healing. YOU have to do the work to be healed.
That's one of the reasons I put my foot down back in 2005 after I hand delivered the exBFF to detox (and counseling). She was taking what the counselors told her in the afternoons, went home, and applied it to ME. I was not the one in counseling, and I am intelligent enough to know when I should seek counseling. (As I did in late 2003 after months of highly stressful events).
And when a drug addict starts trying to justify their addiction by saying that "everyone is addicted to something," and trying to equate their addiction to illegal and dangerous mind chemistry altering substances with other people's 'sweet tooth' -- they are not taking responsibility for themselves.
The exBFF was in counseling for why she decided to choose to start taking drugs, I was not in counseling for my sweet tooth and my love of chocolate. My love of chocolate has never caused me to lie to my friends, steal from my friends, disrespect my friends or others, act like a total asshole, or commit crimes to get the funds for my next Reese cup.
She will never get her issues resolved unless she sits her ass down, finds herself, and accept herself.