Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Because you never knew me at all.....

In the exBFF’s half-assed apology (“I'm sorry for not understanding you, when you thought I should have”) she admits she didn’t understand me. She didn’t WANT to understand me. As a narcissist, it was all about HER anyway.

Both the exBFF and Joan Wheeler (aka Doris Sippel) never took the time to ‘know’ me.

They didn't care, either. They just wanted someone they could slap a "target" label on, and pelt repeatedly with their own projected insecurities.

Well, they are both out of my life now (good riddance) - and I will never let them back in. I’m done being their doormat. They will never wipe their boots on me again.

 When she contacted me on Instagram recently, trying to worm her way into my life again, she wrote - "Ruth and Francine FOREVER. To which I say: Ruth and Francine NEVER!



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