Sunday, August 25, 2019

Suffering from Post-Adoption Wounds doesn't give you the right to abuse others. There is no "I'm an Adoptee so I can treat you like shit and get away with it" Badge.

So this came across my facebook newsfeed: "Relinquishment and Adoption: Understanding the Impact of an Early Psychological Wound" (video) - link provided below

ok, I get it, they've been wounded. I may not be able to understand completely, because I didn't experience it. But I've tried to understand, I did my 'homework' -- I did my research into this way back in the 70's.

What I don't get - is the need for some adoptees to be so damn nasty. Having experienced over 35 years of being the main target of hate and harassment from an adoptee I gotta say -- that turns people off from any kind of 'understanding.' It was not MY fault she was adopted and I was not adopted out. -- I was only 3 years old when it happened -- I had no say in it - yet Doris Sippel (formerly known as Joan Wheeler) wants to punish me for her 'wounds.' -- and further refuse to accept responsibility for her actions that caused our reunion to blow up.Someone lies to you, steals from you - you have every right to tell that person to go away -- but, some adoptees think you have to put up with that crap. Simply because they were 'adopted' as if it's some kind of badge. "Here, I got this 'adoptee badge' that gives me the right to walk all over you."

Oh hell no baby. You lie to me, steal from me, treat me like crap -- I don't give a shit if you're adopted or not, you will be served your walking papers.
Being an adoptee and having 'wounds' does not give one the right to step on and abuse other people.

Just as no one who has experienced any kind of abuse at the hands of one person has the right to abuse another, totally innocent person.
You got 'wounds?' Get counseling, and DO NOT turn around and inflict wounds on other people.

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