Tuesday, August 27, 2019

About the recent coward comments I received on this blog.

No comments will be accepted that do not have names attached to them. If you can't put your name to what you say -- why should I post them, let alone read them? Comments show up in my email. If I see at the beginning of the email "Comment by 'unknown' -- I simply check off the box 'delete' and it's done. The body of the comment isn't even read. Don't like that? Too bad. I am under NO obligation to read or publish anything. 

I did read the first cowardly comment that I received yesterday, and answered it in this post:

An attack by a COWARD -- trying to tell me that I'm a liar.

After I composed and posted that, I went back to my email, deleted that abusive comment, and deleted a second comment that they wrote -- and it was deleted UNREAD. And a third one, signed "Typical" was deleted, UNREAD. Again, I am under NO obligation to read or publish crap sent to me.

If you believe your words, if you are passionate about what you have to say, your position on something, there is no need to hide. If you lack the courage to speak plainly and intelligently don't even waste my time. Because you've already made up your mind and I've heard it all before. From angry adoptees who want to shove their opinions down mine and everyone else's throats. With no thought of all of any kind of debate. With TYPICAL 'angry adoptees' it's 'their way or no way.' -- And I'm not even talking about the whys or causes or abuses of the institution of adoption. I am well aware of legitimate concerns of adoptees, their separation from their birth family, loss of identity, falsified birth certificates, etc. This blog has nothing to do with any of that. And don't even bother to lecture me to 'get educated.' I did all that - I researched it, I got educated way back in the 70's.

Any person coming here to lecture me about my relationship with Joan/Doris and to leave abusive comments are only proving my point in post "https://ladymoondancersrealm.blogspot.com/2019/08/suffering-from-post-adoption-wounds.html" wherein I say: "Someone lies to you, steals from you - you have every right to tell that person to go away -- but, some adoptees think you have to put up with that crap. Simply because they were 'adopted' as if it's some kind of badge. "Here, I got this 'adoptee badge' that gives me the right to walk all over you." Oh hell no baby. You lie to me, steal from me, treat me like crap -- I don't give a shit if you're adopted or not, you will be served your walking papers. Being an adoptee and having 'wounds' does not give one the right to step on and abuse other people."

I always got a laugh at the hypocrisy of these TYPICAL 'angry adoptees' when I would read their blogs, comments, on the internet about them standing up for themselves and not allowing anyone to abuse them. But they reserve the right to abuse others, and seem to feel that others MUST take that abuse simply because the abuser IS an adoptee.

If I were to make a blogpost about a person who is not related to me, let's call her 'Susie Smith.' Susie is an acquaintance, and comes to my house with a friend of mine. Susie goes to my bathroom and steals some of my makeup. Then a few days later she is telling people crap about me. I have every right to call Susie out on her abusive behavior -- and people would applaud me for it. "Way to go Ruth, don't take crap from her. Don't allow anyone to walk over you."

Now let's change the scenario. Susie is actually my birth sister, who was adopted out of our family, but we were reunited and she was welcomed by me with open arms and heart. And Susie goes into my bathroom and steals some makeup and then goes around talking shit about me. According to these TYPICAL 'angry adoptees' things have changed. I'm now supposed to shut my mouth and accept this person walking all over me. Not a chance baby. -- and if you are coming to this blog with that kind of crap in your head -- you've proven my point that I put forth in my blog post. And no amount of arguing with me is going to make me accept someone treating me like a doormat. I will NOT allow Joan/Doris to treat me like a doormat, simply because she was adopted, and I will NOT allow people coming to this blog and writing idiotic comments to treat me like a doormat. Don't like that? Too bad. Go Away if you don't like what's written here.

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