Tuesday, August 27, 2019

About the recent coward comments I received on this blog.

No comments will be accepted that do not have names attached to them. If you can't put your name to what you say -- why should I post them, let alone read them? Comments show up in my email. If I see at the beginning of the email "Comment by 'unknown' -- I simply check off the box 'delete' and it's done. The body of the comment isn't even read. Don't like that? Too bad. I am under NO obligation to read or publish anything. 

I did read the first cowardly comment that I received yesterday, and answered it in this post:

An attack by a COWARD -- trying to tell me that I'm a liar.

After I composed and posted that, I went back to my email, deleted that abusive comment, and deleted a second comment that they wrote -- and it was deleted UNREAD. And a third one, signed "Typical" was deleted, UNREAD. Again, I am under NO obligation to read or publish crap sent to me.

If you believe your words, if you are passionate about what you have to say, your position on something, there is no need to hide. If you lack the courage to speak plainly and intelligently don't even waste my time. Because you've already made up your mind and I've heard it all before. From angry adoptees who want to shove their opinions down mine and everyone else's throats. With no thought of all of any kind of debate. With TYPICAL 'angry adoptees' it's 'their way or no way.' -- And I'm not even talking about the whys or causes or abuses of the institution of adoption. I am well aware of legitimate concerns of adoptees, their separation from their birth family, loss of identity, falsified birth certificates, etc. This blog has nothing to do with any of that. And don't even bother to lecture me to 'get educated.' I did all that - I researched it, I got educated way back in the 70's.

Any person coming here to lecture me about my relationship with Joan/Doris and to leave abusive comments are only proving my point in post "https://ladymoondancersrealm.blogspot.com/2019/08/suffering-from-post-adoption-wounds.html" wherein I say: "Someone lies to you, steals from you - you have every right to tell that person to go away -- but, some adoptees think you have to put up with that crap. Simply because they were 'adopted' as if it's some kind of badge. "Here, I got this 'adoptee badge' that gives me the right to walk all over you." Oh hell no baby. You lie to me, steal from me, treat me like crap -- I don't give a shit if you're adopted or not, you will be served your walking papers. Being an adoptee and having 'wounds' does not give one the right to step on and abuse other people."

I always got a laugh at the hypocrisy of these TYPICAL 'angry adoptees' when I would read their blogs, comments, on the internet about them standing up for themselves and not allowing anyone to abuse them. But they reserve the right to abuse others, and seem to feel that others MUST take that abuse simply because the abuser IS an adoptee.

If I were to make a blogpost about a person who is not related to me, let's call her 'Susie Smith.' Susie is an acquaintance, and comes to my house with a friend of mine. Susie goes to my bathroom and steals some of my makeup. Then a few days later she is telling people crap about me. I have every right to call Susie out on her abusive behavior -- and people would applaud me for it. "Way to go Ruth, don't take crap from her. Don't allow anyone to walk over you."

Now let's change the scenario. Susie is actually my birth sister, who was adopted out of our family, but we were reunited and she was welcomed by me with open arms and heart. And Susie goes into my bathroom and steals some makeup and then goes around talking shit about me. According to these TYPICAL 'angry adoptees' things have changed. I'm now supposed to shut my mouth and accept this person walking all over me. Not a chance baby. -- and if you are coming to this blog with that kind of crap in your head -- you've proven my point that I put forth in my blog post. And no amount of arguing with me is going to make me accept someone treating me like a doormat. I will NOT allow Joan/Doris to treat me like a doormat, simply because she was adopted, and I will NOT allow people coming to this blog and writing idiotic comments to treat me like a doormat. Don't like that? Too bad. Go Away if you don't like what's written here.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Abusers are just as good at grooming allies as they are at grooming victims

This meme came across my facebook  - I experienced this on my old blog, and now today with the attacking comments from someone who was too cowardly to even leave their name.

Yes, I was harassed and abused by Joan Wheeler/Doris Sippel -- and she is very clever and manipulative in twisting things around and making her adoptee buddies and others believe that she was the victim.

My old blog was attacked one day in February 2010 -- because Joan/Doris told them to spam my blog. In one day, I got around 120 hits, and several spam comments, some with obscene language. And I mean really repulsive obscene language.

Now I have sworn on this blog and on my old blog -- but I have that right. Because it's MY blog. But when someone comes and says "You're a fucking whore." on a comment to a blog post -- well, who's the abuser? Me, who wrote a blog post, or someone just spouting insults. Just like the cowardly person who left a comment today calling me a liar.

On my old blog, I called such 'allies' of Joan's 'puppets.' Because that's just what they are: Puppets. They do Joan/Doris' bidding. They have no brains of their own. One such puppet was a boyfriend of Joan/Doris, leaving comments as "Champ" -- get it? - Joan/Doris' Champion??? lol

He proceeded to tell me of my character faults -- and brought up a fight I had with an Arab lady whose name started with 'S.' -- now keep in mind, I never met this Champ face-to-face, never spoke to him face-to-face in real life or online -- but he's throwing in my face a fight I had with S. A. This was in 2011 and 2012 that's he yakking about the fight. 

Folks, that fight occurred in September 1979.

Now how did Champ find out about a fight I had in Lackwanna, NY in 1979? S.A. didn't tell him - she moved out of state 30 years ago. And besides, in 1984, we had sat down and hashed out our grievances. In 1985, she was so sweet -- she sent me a card when I was in the hospital when I had a miscarriage. When I got home, she called me, offering to send home-cooked meals in tupperwares for me.

So who told Champ about the fight of 1979? -- Joan/Doris did. And she groomed him into trying to abuse me. She groomed him to be her puppet. And puppet that he was, he listened to 35 year old gossip - simply because his Puppet Master, Joan/Doris filled his head up with shit.

Champ, who finally revealed himself to be one Brian M. left a comment saying he was going to reveal to the world my deep dark secret. Hmmm.

So I answered him that I do not respond to emotional or any kind of blackmail and that he should go ahead and reveal it. BUT the Buffalo Police and the Erie County District Attorney would be very interested in why a man who never met me, never spoke to me, is going to reveal my 'deep dark secret'  -- I was also in the middle of an harassment case in court against Joan/Doris for her call to my job in 2012 with a lie trying to get me fired. I immediately went downtown and showed the screenshots of Champ/Brian's threat and wanted to add him to the harassment case because he was acting on Joan/Doris' behalf.

In court, Joan/Doris denied she said anything to Champ/Brian. (yeah, right). She threw her puppet under the bus. The charges of harassment were dismissed, because even though Joan/Doris admitted on the stand that she called my job AND bragged about it on Huffington Post (because my lawyer presented the screenshot of it) -- I hadn't suffered anything on my job. My employers did investigate me (without my knowing it) for a few months in late 2012. The first I heard about it was mid-January 2013 -- they did not want to tell me about it because they didn't want my holidays to be ruined.  I did go to a meeting in Human Resources, where they told me of the phone calls they received by Joan/Doris and her accusations, and they said they investigated me (because that was necessary), but they exonerated me -- they found NO impropriety in my behavior, computer usage, or job performance.

As for that puppet Champ/Brian -- I never heard another word from him. He found out that I don't play, and Joan/Doris threw him under the bus.

And I still haven't a clue as to what my 'deep dark secret' is. lol
Puppets are just that - PUPPETS. Joan/Doris loves her puppets. Until the shit hits the fan and then she dumps them.

Joan/Doris is an awful lot like Trump in that.

An attack by a COWARD -- trying to tell me that I'm a liar.

especially when that 'lecture' is posted by someone who was too COWARDLY to leave their name. 

sooo -- some COWARD left a comment to my last post -- I will not publish it -- but this person dared to call ME a liar -- this person obviously went to my facebook page to gather  
information. And accused me of lying when I say that my husband was a Navy Seal in Vietnam. I would publish my husbands DT214 form online except that it contains personal information. Why would I lie on facebook about something like that? My husband's brother and other immediate and extended family members (and in-laws of my brother in law) are friends of mine on facebook. AND three members of that family (my brother in law's inlaws) worked with me at my job -- one from the late 70's. You think that if I lied about my husband that any one of them wouldn't say "What the fuck Ruth?" oh my stars! how fucking stupid can one COWARDLY person be?

Perhaps this person is a filthy dirty racist and can't conceive that a black man was in the Special Forces.

Well, Mr. or Madam COWARD who can't even leave their name -- you accuse me of heaping abuse on my estranged sister -- why don't you ask her of the $700.00 she stole from me? Or the beads she swiped off my mother's wedding dress (that belonged to me) or the false police reports she made against me, or the many phone calls she made to my employer in 1994-95 with lies to get me fired, and again in 2012? In 2012 she even bragged about doing that on the Huffington Post.

Or the time she called child abuse on herself? Yes - she did. She called Child Protective Services, gave MY name as the caller, and proceeded to accuse MY fiance as the person abusing her children.

Really, I'm going to call Child Protective Services, give them my name and name my own fiance as a child molestor. Give me a break.

My old blog had scans of the actual police and court documents about that -- that proved that Joan Wheeler, now known as Doris Sippel, lied to police, the courts about me.

I also scanned handwritten and typed letters (with their envelopes) that Joan Wheeler wrote to my future mother in law telling her garbage about me. AND notes to my fiance (now husband) that he should break up with me.

AND I also scanned a letter that Joan/Doris sent to me stating that my fiance had gotten the next door neighbor pregnant -- when the house was vacant.

I tell you now Mr. or Madam COWARD -- you are an excellent example of what my last post was about -- you think that because you are adopted (I assume you are because you sound like one of Joan/Doris' abusive adoptee buddies) that you can heap abuses on other people and try to get away with it because you wear your sad story of adoption as a badge.

AND furthermore, if an adoptee is proved to be a liar or an abusive person, other wacko adoptees get on board and refuse to admit it. Again, they think that a fellow adoptee HAS that 'I'm an adoptee, so I can abuse people and get away with it" badge.

I say 'wacko' adoptees, because any person who is shown an actual police or court document proving that one adopteed LIED and they refuse to believe it -- they ARE wacko. And from late 2009, when I started my old blog, up to today, when an adoptee comes online and starts to tell me that I'm the liar when they refuse to see the factual truth for themselves, I simply have to just label them as 'wacko.'

Come forth COWARD  - don't be scared to share your name. What are you ashamed of? A hit and run attack with no name attached is BULLSHIT and you therefore are shit.

No never mind -- don't even bother to come forth. Your words are shit -- just like you.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Suffering from Post-Adoption Wounds doesn't give you the right to abuse others. There is no "I'm an Adoptee so I can treat you like shit and get away with it" Badge.

So this came across my facebook newsfeed: "Relinquishment and Adoption: Understanding the Impact of an Early Psychological Wound" (video) - link provided below

ok, I get it, they've been wounded. I may not be able to understand completely, because I didn't experience it. But I've tried to understand, I did my 'homework' -- I did my research into this way back in the 70's.

What I don't get - is the need for some adoptees to be so damn nasty. Having experienced over 35 years of being the main target of hate and harassment from an adoptee I gotta say -- that turns people off from any kind of 'understanding.' It was not MY fault she was adopted and I was not adopted out. -- I was only 3 years old when it happened -- I had no say in it - yet Doris Sippel (formerly known as Joan Wheeler) wants to punish me for her 'wounds.' -- and further refuse to accept responsibility for her actions that caused our reunion to blow up.Someone lies to you, steals from you - you have every right to tell that person to go away -- but, some adoptees think you have to put up with that crap. Simply because they were 'adopted' as if it's some kind of badge. "Here, I got this 'adoptee badge' that gives me the right to walk all over you."

Oh hell no baby. You lie to me, steal from me, treat me like crap -- I don't give a shit if you're adopted or not, you will be served your walking papers.
Being an adoptee and having 'wounds' does not give one the right to step on and abuse other people.

Just as no one who has experienced any kind of abuse at the hands of one person has the right to abuse another, totally innocent person.
You got 'wounds?' Get counseling, and DO NOT turn around and inflict wounds on other people.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

brain dead anti-adopters who think Joan Wheeler, now known as Doris Sippel is squeeky clean are deluded idiots.

Recently Joan/Doris commented on an adoption group’s comment section. One anti-adoption person began singing Joan/Doris’ praises, to which I said to myself “oh brother!” and posted a comment that J/D is not such a squeeky clean person. I said that while I don’t care what she says about adoption, or what she does regarding her campaign in adoption and birth certificate reform,  I do take issue when she lies about my father, my family, and me.

My sister Gert was also commenting in the discussion, when all of a sudden, three anti-adoptees began arguing with us. In reviewing J/D’s comments on the thread and on her facebook page, it was clear she was telling them to go after Gert and me, egging them on, being their ‘puppet master.’ This is a tactic she has done before many times on the internet, when she can’t stand to see me and Gert speak our opinion. Then on a anti-adoption facebook page, one of those anti-adopters who was going after Gert and myself in the discussion, wrote about it, to which J/D commented, and a 4th anti-adopter chimed in and claimed that Gert and I had been tormenting J/D ‘for years.’

To which I left a laughing fb emoticon. Right -- I’ve been ‘tormenting’ Joan? uh, no, it’s the other way around, J/D has been harassing me -- even to the point of calling my job with lies to get me fired (multiple times in 1994-95, and then starting up again in late 2012). I wrote about it in my former blog, to which J/D answered me via a comment on the internet site Huffington Post -- which I made a screenshot of, and is included in this blog post (see below).

In her comment, Joan/Doris publicly admitted to calling my employer and falsely accusing me (with absolutely no proof) of making phone calls and committing computer fraud.
 "you have used your employer's computers to read my blog and you have called from your employer for me to make appointments."
I will address the 2nd accusation first. When I took her to court for this harassment -- she testified on the stand that she received a phone call from my job's xray department around 10am -- and said that it was ME on the phone telling her to make an appointment.

WRONG - if the call was made at 10 am -- and from the xray department -- it COULD NOT HAVE BEEN ME. I worked 7pm to 7am -- and no, employees just don't waltz into a department, sit down at a desk and call someone. Hospital security cameras would have shown me doing this. There is no record of me doing this -- because I never did it.

Now for the first accusation -- K.H. has something called GUEST WIFI -- Visitors, patients, employees using their own cell phones and other devices and are legally sanctioned to use the guest WiFi. Patients bring in their laptops, and hook up to the guest WiFi.  I would always bring in my little Acer Netbook to work, to do writing and other things on my lunch break and use the guest WiFi. I didn't use my employee's computers. 

So if K.H.'s IP address showed up at Joan/Doris' blog -- THAT DOESN'T MEAN A DAMN THING. 

I have taken my netbook with me to various businesses, logged onto their guest WiFi and worked on my netbook, and surfed the net with it. I have done this as I waited while a new windshield was installed in my old van; when I was waiting while my van was inspected; while I was at the downtown public library; while I was waiting to have my van's oil changed; when I've stopped to have a cup of coffee; and while I was in the mall's food court waiting while John had his hair cut.

 Okay Joan/Doris -- here's a list of places that I've used guest Wifi at:

Barnes and Noble, Erie County Library (different branches), Delta Sonic, Transittown Dodge, Tim Horton's (different locations), Walden Galleria Mall, WalMart, Wegmans, Bj's, Home Depot, Excelsior Orthopedics, Buffalo Medical Group - and if those places showed up on your blog -- it doesn't mean I committed computer fraud --learn how the world of WiFi works.

Now go and call those businesses and tell them I went into their offices and used their computers to spy on you, and make a further asshole of yourself. Like you did with my former employer. (who did investigate me - because they had to - but found me innocent). You dumb paranoid braindead lying idiot. Grow some brains. And you dumb anti-adopters -- grow some brains, learn how to use 'critical thinking.'

Here is the screenshot of Joan/Doris’ comment on the Huffington Post from January 2013.