Monday, February 12, 2018

requiescat et pace (RIP) John Gavin - (1931-2018), played Julius Caeser in the 1960 movie Spartacus.

Of all the actors to play Caeser, I think John Gavin was the most handsome. Runner up would be Karl Urban who played Caeser in the Xena TV series.
The man himself, Julius Caeser is a fascinating man. So much more to him than Shakespeare wrote. I look forward to learning more about him.

 I’ve always been fascinated with ancient cultures, civilizations, and mythologies. My main interest has been ancient Egypt and Greece. And I’ve always been meaning to study the Roman Empire. I’ve also always wanted to learn another language when I retired. I want to learn French, Greek, Latin, and Tolkien Elvish. I decided to start with Latin, because I already have a background in it, having been brought up in the Catholic Church when Latin was still used.

In my Latin studies, (which fell by the wayside in recent months due to my need to have cataract surgery), I also decided to study the history of the Roman Empire. I started reading the “Ceasar and Christ” volume in the book series “The Story of Civilization” by Will and Arient Durant. Then I’ll go on to Gibbon’s “The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.”

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