Saturday, May 25, 2024

I was nice to Joan/Doris until she and her deadbeat husband stole from me. When I demanded repayment, I was now a 'bitch'

Having 700 bucks swindled outta ya just make ya turn into a bitch.

Finding out that some of it went to the deadbeat husbands addiction to a stripper joint made me a bigger bitch.

Having come to my house with 10 lousy bucks in hand and whining, 'can't you just take this 10? I don't want to go home and hear J. yell." This after they agreed to pay me back 50 bucks a month. That 10 bucks and a previous payment of $50 was all I saw of my $700 to this day.

But, yeah, I'M the bitch.

#NamelessOne #AdopteesWhoThinkTheyCanTreatOthersLikeAssholes
ps: 'Nameless One' - my pet name for Joan Wheeler/Doris Michol Sippel
and yes, she and her husband swindled $700.00 from me. Promised to pay me back, reneged on their promise, when I needed the money, they turned their backs on me, I got mad and told her to keep the fucking money, but she would NOT be in my life - I was no longer her 'sister' and wanted nothing more to do with her.

And because I had the nerve to set up a boundary (disrespect me by stealing from me, lying to me, breaking a promise to repay me, causing me to not trust her and forbid her to have contact with me) - she started her 25 years campaign of hate and retribution towards me.

But see, she had made her choice - she could have chosen to retain a loving relationship with me - she chose to destroy that. 

I had a choice too. To keep a lying disrespectful thief in my life? Or boot her out of my life? I chose the latter. And am happy for doing so.

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