Wednesday, April 24, 2024

I hate the phrase "Life is Short" - because people like to use it as a guilt mechanism


Found this on facebook. So.. what is a phrase that I hate? "Life is Short”
Because it is usually said to you by toxic relatives and people who pissed you off and after you've blown up at them, set boundaries, and kicked them out of your life. Used to make you feel guilty for standing up for yourself.

Ten years after the exBFF earned her spot on my virtual trebuchet - and got kicked out of my life - she shows up on Instagram with a half-ass apology and an "I miss you" whine. Trying to worm her way back into my life. I wasn’t buying it. Because disrespect will close doors that apologies can't reopen.

In her little whine, she had the nerve to say “Life is short.” Why? To remind ME that life is short and I should ‘forgive and forget’ the shit she did to me?

Life IS short - and she should have remembered that back in 2012 when she called my job with lies to get me fired.

Why did she do that? Because I had enough of her crap in my life, I distanced myself from her. I removed her from my facebook. Because I’m a grown woman and have the right to remove anyone I want from my social media. She calls my house one night and leaves a message on my answering machine - real nasty too! “Why’d you take me off your facebook?” Really? Then proceeds to keep calling my house. And then the next day calls my job to get me fired.

There is NO justification for her doing that. And in her message on instagram - she offers me some half-ass ‘apology’ - “I’m sorry for not understanding you the way you thought I should.”

What’s to understand? That I wanted basic RESPECT? Like someone not coming to my house and stealing pain pills. Like getting a little thank you after I used my PERSONAL LIFE TIME and SICK TIME FROM MY JOB to hand deliver her to detox? Or how about when I send a letter of intervention (like the bestest of friends should do) and laid out things she does in her life (for 30 years) that she needs to stop doing. She got ‘offended’ because I told her truths she didn’t want to hear, and claimed I was harassing her, and had the nerve to press charges on me. AND when we were in court, she walked passed me where I was sitting and in a low voice, threatened to beat my ass.

Her half-ass apology did not address any of that. Her half-ass apology was shit. Plain shit.She’s sorry for not understanding me??? what nonsense. That ‘apology’ was nothing short than another slap to my face. And then she’s got the nerve to tell me “Life is short.”

Well, life IS short, and I won’t spend my life with a low-down disgusting bitch like FJM.
Leaves a disgusting insulting message on my facebook about my husband. Trashes my father to me on the phone the day after his funeral. Threatens me in court. Bitches at me for taking her off my facebook. Calls my job to get me fired. Steals from my house.

Life is short FJM - and your short life is nothing but crap - of your own making.



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