Saturday, January 20, 2018

Eyes Update by Ruth Sippel Pace (LadyMoondancer)

Got my new bi-focal glasses yesterday. they look very nice. Because the prescription is so different I didn't wear them out of the store. I put them on as I got up this morning. - a little tip an optician told me years ago - when you're having problems adjusting to new glasses, put them on when you first wake up.

A new minor problem came up when I had my exam for the glasses a couple of weeks ago - I am slightly seeing double - the right eye sees things slightly lower than the left eye. Due to a muscle imbalance. The doctor said it probably started some time ago and I never noticed it due to the cataracts.

So my new glasses are 'prism' lens - which corrects that. I've never had prism glasses, and that's probably why I'm going to need time to adjust. But at least now I can read without the hassle of putting on readers, taking them off -- it was maddening trying to pay bills last week - I can read the computer screen just fine - when I was on my bank's website, then I go to enter things in my checkbook register - I can't read. So on go the glasses. Need to enter the amount on the computer - off go the glasses. On, off, on, off, on, off. I have had enough of that shit!

And having to function outside with no Transition sunglass lenses??? Yesterday was a nightmare. This vampire had a lot of problems in yesterday's bright sunshine. I drove with the dark dark sunglasses/visor the doctor's office that did my surgery gave me. But those remind me of the visor that Spock wore in the episode "Is There in Truth No Beauty?" -- very large and cumbersome. So when I parked, off they came, and regular sunglasses go on. Get in the store - off go the sunglasses. Another case of on,off, on, off - plus the added step of interchanging sunglasses.

Still, with all these aggravations - I am so happy with the outcome. I am amazed at the medical technology that not only took care of the cataracts, but gave me such improved eyesight.
I send my thanks to my doctors and everyone involved in my care these past 3 months.

1 comment:

gert mcqueen said...

well worth taking care of your self