Tuesday, March 15, 2022

I have peace - why would I want a disruptive person in my life again?


I have these things. I have Peace in my soul. I have Peace (and quiet) in my life. I will NOT let an abusive narcissist from my past re-enter my life and destroy my serenity. She who thrives on chaos, I crave quiet and have it. I want no part of her. She is banished. She is 'old news.' She is left by the wayside. If she thinks that I have thought she didn't understand me, what she needs to 'understand' right now - is that I do not want her in my life ever! If she has trouble 'understanding' that - that is her problem, not mine. 

The title of this blog post, "I have peace - why would I want a disruptive person in my life again?" is just what it says. The exBFF (FJM) loves to start fights, loves the drama of fighting, arguing. I do not. I am retired now, will be 70 in a few months - my life is serene, quiet, my husband and I are in our golden retired years, we enjoy our life. We enjoy gardening, I enjoy my crafting, writing, reading, listening to music, working on my family tree with my cousin, trying to find the time to study my Latin.  

I thought when I retired, I'd have time to study my Latin - but there isn't enough hours in the day for me to do the things I want to. I simply do not have the time for disruptive, disrespectful people. Especially those who have been tossed out of my life before. There's a reason they were tossed out - I believe in recycling - Mother Earth Gaia must be protected and all resources should be recycled - but bad human relationships? Nope, not a chance.

Remember the old adage - "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
I was fooled into letting this abusive person into my life again in September 2010, only to regret it two months later. This time around, I will not allow it. If anyone has a problem with the way I run MY life, that's THEIR problem - not mine

 When she contacted me on Instagram recently, trying to worm her way into my life again, she wrote - "Ruth and Francine FOREVER. To which I say: Ruth and Francine NEVER!

for more on this topic, see the following posts - click on the titles.

I deserve good company -- narcissists, users and abusers, troublemakers, people who thrive on chaos and drama - are not welcome in my life. March 21, 2022

I used to 'accept' things that I couldn't change. Or rather I used to think I COULDN'T change things. March 16, 2022

To My exBFF - March 14, 2022

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