Thursday, September 28, 2023

Coloring Projects for the Autumnal Equinox

Second Harvest - Mabon - First Day of Autumn - The Autumnal Equinox Coloring Fun

The first day of Autumn was last Saturday, September 23. In Pagan traditions, we call it Mabon, I didn’t really do anything to mark the Equinox. I’m still busy working in my gardens, getting things ready to plant my fall bulbs. So, to relax and do something for Mabon, I did some coloring. I did 3 coloring projects and it took me almost a week to do them. Between housework, yardwork, a visit to my chiropractor, and well, ‘life,’ yep, it took me this long to do them. 

This first one I did is a balsa wood coloring kit I got from Dollar Tree. It comes with 4 small color markers. I’m happy with the results, but I think overall, it’s too orange. When I go shopping again, I think I’ll pick up another one and color one of the pumpkins a light beige.

The next two are Mabon coloring pages from artist Amy Cesari. Amy is an excellant artist who publishes Pagan-oriented coloring pages, calendars, and planners. Her calendars and planners are also coloring books. I’ve purchased a few of her books. And every so often, Amy gives her customers ‘freebies’ to color. These two were her Mabon freebies for this year. Just google Amy Cesari to get to her website or find her on facebook.

This one is a word-seek puzzle. I enjoy these puzzles. Keeps me sharp. (along with Sudoku puzzles). 

As you can see, I haven’t done this one yet. I wanted to scan it so I would have it to print out to do again at a later date. I believe this came from a Word Seek puzzle book that I bought at Dollar Tree. I usually buy 2 or 3 in the spring at Ollie’s Discount Store. And I decided to share it with you. Just click on it, save to your computer to print out.


1 comment:

gert mcqueen said...

good stuff coloring! I have to get back to my coloring books as well!